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Toxic Trio

by Kaleb Jimenez

Now we’re gonna get a little more specific and talk about a class of chemicals you’re very likely to see in nail salon products, known as the Toxic Trio

The Unholy Trinity

Phthalates, toluene, and formaldehyde make up this trio and are once again often found in nail salons products. Although all have potential dangers, only phthalates are officially recognized as an EDC. Whatever their classification may be though, remember to be take extreme caution when you work with products containing these chemicals.


Toluene can be found in nail polishes, polish thinners, and nail hardeners also give this illusion of safety, but remember that just because it can go on bodies doesn’t mean it’s completely safe (1). Exposing yourself to this chemical over long periods of time can eventually lead to problems for your reproductive system (2). More specifically, toluene’s reproductive effects can decrease the growth of fetuses because of its effects (3). Toluene doesn’t just affect women though! It has even been found to affect the reproductive system’s of men, so everyone should be careful working with toluene (4).


Phthalates are used as a solvent in salon grade products, fragrances, and nail polishes (5). Just like toluene, phthalates can be bad as constant exposure to your skin leads to it being able get into your body a lot more easily (6). This can be bad for the reproductive systems of both males and females too (7)! Phthalates are thought to be able to block hormones form going where they need to go, and this can lead to serious issues (8). 


Formaldehyde is found in everything living because it is used in a lot of different processes your body needs to do to stay alive (9). But, when there’s too much formaldehyde it can be a very bad thing for your health (10). It was classified as a cancer-causing chemical in 2011, and has the potential to cause issues in the reproductive system (11). Formaldehyde can get into your body really easily, and once in there it starts to mess with your body’s natural processes right away (9).

Regardless of what something may or may not be said to have in it, try to be as safe and as careful as possible when working with nail salon products of any kind.

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